


  • AAAS 2014 Annual Meeting

Department of Commerce ( IT & PA )

Prof.J.Vijimol,,Mphil., has 10 years of teaching experience and presently working as professor & head of department of Commerce with Information Technology and Professional Accounting. She has published 12 research papers in National and International publications. Her area of research is marketing. She Organized National conference, Seminars, Guest lectures, outreach programme and Off-shore visit.

To create personally and professionally equipped, service and business oriented leaders, committed to excellence of community and to optimally utilize opportunities in the field of commerce, the department of Commerce with Information Technology and Professional Accounting started in the year 2009.The department offers two UG programmes. This department consists of 8 faculty members, one faculty qualified with PhD and 6 faculties qualified with M.Phil.

It has organized several national conferences, guest lecture, FDP and outreach programmes. The students of this department are always motivated to present papers in various colleges and universities all over the India. The Department’s aim is to produce competent and qualified graduates to meet the needs of organizations in all sectors, and producing principled and productive citizens who can bring out the positive and proactive changes through innovative and creative essentials.